You know those photo mixes? O BabyMaker Take a photo of the mother and father and try to “predict” what the baby will be like. It's not really about sex, but it's a lot of fun!
O Gender Predictor It is based on the famous Chinese Calendar, it asks for information such as your age and the month of conception to make an educated guess about the baby's sex.
O Old Wives Tales Gender Prediction Use those old beliefs to make your guess. Things like belly shape, food cravings and even whether the baby has more hiccups!
Simple and easy to use, the BabyGender ask a few questions and give the verdict.
A little different, the Intuition Test It asks you to trust your intuition and play a little game to find out the baby's sex.
Always remember not to take yourself too seriously, okay? These are apps to have fun and pass the time until the day of the ultrasound arrives. And oh, before downloading, take a look at the ratings and comments to choose the best one for you!
How accurate are these apps?
Many of these apps use ancient traditions and beliefs, such as Chinese Calendar or the shape of the belly. These are fun methods, but they have no scientific proof. It's like playing “heads or tails” and trying to guess.
If we think about it, the chance of hit is 50%. It's either a boy or a girl, right? So even if the app gets it right, it could be pure luck.
These apps are made for us to have fun, pass the time and play a little. If you really want to know for sure, the best way is to go to the doctor and have an ultrasound or specific tests.
We know that anxiety is great, but it's best not to create too many expectations based on what the app says. Imagine setting up an entire pink room and then discovering that a little boy is coming?
You apps are a cool joke and a way to share anxiety and joy with friends and family. But for serious things, the good old ultrasound is still the king of precision. And oh, whether it's a boy or a girl, the important thing is that it comes healthy and brings lots of happiness!