Aplicativos para fazer caricaturas – EMPREGO100
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Apps to make cartoons


    Using an app to turn your photos into fun caricatures usually involves a few simple steps. First, choose one that meets your needs and preferences from the list above. 

    After downloading, install the app and open it on your device. The app will normally ask for permission to access your photos and cameras; accept requests to start creating caricatures.

    Then choose a photo to turn into a caricature. You can take a new photo using the app's camera or select an existing photo from your device's gallery.

    Browse through the filters and effects available in the app and choose the ones you want to apply to your photo. Many apps offer options to adjust the intensity of the effects, allowing you to further customize your caricature.

    In addition to filters and effects, some apps offer additional editing tools, such as cropping, adjusting brightness, contrast, and saturation, and adding text or stickers. Use these tools to further enhance your caricature.

    When you are satisfied with your caricature, save it to your device. Most applications allow you to save the image in different formats and qualities. After saving, share your caricature on social media, messaging apps or email to amuse your friends and family.

    Each application may have slightly different features and interfaces. See each specific instructions and tutorials for best results.